CadConnect release notes

Released: 2025-02-12

  1. Additional URL links (up to 10) configured from the CadConnect - Setup menu. “Max. No. of Links per Item”

  2. Added Item fields “Category Code” and “Indirect Cost %”.

  3. Enhanced approval flow with additional CadConnect Item - Status codes.

    New - Under development - Sent for approval - In checking - Certified - Closed

  4. Automated license renewal (Enable HttpClient requests from Extension management - extension settings).

  5. Improved user experience in CadConnect setup: mouse over help texts for each setting and click directly to manual with detailed description.

Released: 2024-10-02

  1. Added functionality for update of attachments to CadConnect and transfer to Item card.

  2. Added functionality for setup and usage of default operation times.

  3. Added integration-info to show log of data-import and -update in CadConnect.

Released: 2024-05-31

  1. Bug fixes

Released: 2024-05-01

  1. Modified functionality for better control of Prod.BOM and/or Assembly BOM.

  2. Added functionality for import of pictures to CadConnect and transfer to Item card.

Released: 2024-02-18

  1. Misc. updates regarding updates in BC Base application.

  2. New xml-import version with extended functionality added.

  3. Default setup automatically done following new installation.

  4. New functionality for importing file-links to items or BOMs.

  5. Implementation of Item Type-handling (Inventory, Non-inventory).

  6. Import and update of Scrap% on Items and BOMs.

  7. Import and update of Net weight, Vendor and Vendor Item No. on Items.

  8. Import and update of BOM weight value on BOMs.

  9. Extension of attribute-handling from max. 20 attributes to max. 80 attributes.

  10. Extended functionality for calculating and presenting costing-elements.

  11. Implementation of cost simulation functionality.

  12. Implementation of 1 month test-licenses.

  13. Functionality for routing-import modified / enhanced.

  14. Modified and more user-friendly layout for definition of import-fields.

  15. Functionality for copy from existing modified / enhanced.

  16. User-assisting colors added to CadConnect Header.

  17. Added functionality for exploding and removing existing routing- and BOM-levels.

  18. Added functionality for deletion of multiple lines through marking.

  19. Misc. errors fixed/removed.

  20. New functionality for using CadConnect with optional use of Header items.

  21. Added fields for calculation of Unit price on CadConnect items.

  22. New functionality for creation of BC quotes from CadConnect.

  23. New setup to select between Configuration templates and Item Templates.

  24. New possibility to define default attributes, which then will be created automatically.

  25. Missing and incorrect translations added/modified.